This is what your calendar can look like.

This is not a recent and real calendar from me (so don’t try to book meetings in the open spaces) but it’s a really good approximation of a typical week.
These would be meetings with people, not blocked time to do work. This may not be representative of all managers, but once a manager has a team of size 10+, they may need lots of meetings to: - connect with members of their team for both ongoing work and career development - understand what clients want - synchronize with other internal teams we depend on - perform recruiting activities (interviewing, panels, presentations) - meetings with their own managers - meetings with peers to ensure we’re learning from each other
I am an extreme introvert, and try really hard to avoid low-value meetings. But I still do 30+ hours. So if you want to be a manager, you need to like (or at least be able to endure) talking to people for a long time each week.