Happy new year, Microsoft

The years of experience, flexibility, and learnings gained while working in different roles and geographical locations at Microsoft.

Lucas A. Meyer


July 1, 2022

I joined Microsoft in 2002. Since then, I missed only the FY11 (I was a Ph.D. student) and FY21 (I was working for Amazon) fiscal year-ends.

If history is a guide, the next fiscal year-end I’ll miss will come only in 2031, maybe because I’ll be retired!

In these 20 years, I have worked in Brazil, in Florida and in Redmond, WA. I visited numerous countries for work. I have worked in sales, technical support, finance and now at the AI for Good Research lab. I have worked full-time, then as a vendor (during my grad school), then part-time and then full-time again. I have always appreciated the flexibility, but first and foremost, I appreciate the people. I have had excellent managers, and I have learned a ton from my colleagues. I hope some of them learned something from me, too.

I am extremely thankful for having the opportunity to work for #Microsoft for this long. If I’m lucky, I’ll work here for at least 25 more years.

Happy new (fiscal) year to all my Microsoft friends.