Quarto with Python
Folowing the spirit of “learning out loud”, I created several artifacts while I was learning about Quarto.
I created one main content file (source) that imports lots of other topic-based files, to create:
- A RevealJS presentation
- A PowerPoint presentation that uses my team’s template
- This website, starting after the “Why Quarto” header below (source)
I also reused some of the content above in another Quarto file (source) to create:
The content below tells why I chose Quarto and how I use it with Python.
Why Quarto
The content value chain
Literate Programming
Literate programming can help create high-quality reproducible, documented code.
Donald E. Knuth proposed literate programming in a 1984 article.
Jupyter implements the literate programming paradigm, but generating high-quality mass-consumable output (articles, websites) requires additional tools.
I tried many tools for Literate Programming
Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
The name “quarto” comes from the format of a book or pamphlet printed with eight pages of text, four to a side, then folded twice to produce four leaves.
The earliest known European printed book, the Sibyllenbuch (Gutemberg, c.1452), was done in the quarto format. Shakespeare’s plays, too!
With Quarto, you can:
- Write Markdown and Python (or R, Julia, OJS)
- Use equations, diagrams, citations, figures, etc.
- Output articles, presentations, interactive websites…
- Work with Jupyter Lab or VSCode
You can install Quarto on Linux, Windows and Mac.
Quarto workflow
The content pipeline for .ipynb
About 75% of data scientists use Python through Jupyter notebooks.
With some scripting, you can use Pandoc
on .ipynb files to generate papers, HTML, PowerPoint, etc.
You just need to learn Pandoc and shell scripting.
Quarto in Python, in a nutshell
All you need to use Quarto is to add some YAML (mostly simplified Pandoc configurations) to a .qmd
+ YAML = .qmd
This keeps the configuration and content in the same file. You can then render the outputs using quarto render <file.qmd>
in the command line.
Using Quarto
The YAML front-matter
Quarto .qmd
files always start with a YAML front-matter.
The YAML configuration determines what’s the output format of your document. A few popular output options are html
, pptx
, docx
, and pdf
You can use a single source file to generate multiple output types.
For example, the YAML on the right will generate a PowerPoint file and a Revealjs presentation.
title: "Quarto with Python"
reference-doc: templates/template.pptx
incremental: false
theme: pulse
author: Lucas A. Meyer
date: 2022-07-07
Main content
Writing content
Write content in Markdown.
Quarto’s Markdown supports figures, tables, bibliography, etc.
It also supports lots of extra features, like diagrams with mermaid
and GraphViz
, and even LaTeX equations:
### Writing content
Write content in
Quarto's Markdown supports
figures, tables, bibliography, etc.
It also supports lots of extra features, `mermaid` and
like diagrams with `GraphViz`, and even LaTeX equations:
E = mc^2 $$
What if I want to add code?
The best thing about Quarto is that you can use it to run any code that you would be able to run in a Python notebook.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
= np.arange(0, 2, 0.01)
r = 2 * np.pi * r
theta = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=\
fig, ax 'projection': 'polar'})
ax.plot(theta, r)0.5, 1, 1.5, 2])
ax.grid( plt.show()
You can use mermaid to create diagrams.
The diagram in this and in previous sections were created with mermaid.
flowchart TD
A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
B --> C{Decision}
C -->|One| D[Result 1]
C -->|Two| E[Result 2]
Regression and results
This code runs the first simple regression in Wooldridge’s Econometrics book.
var | coef | s.e. | t | p-val |
int | -0.9 | 0.68 | -1.32 | 0.19 |
educ | 0.54 | 0.05 | 10.17 | 0 |
# Load the data
= pd.read_csv("data/wage1.csv")
# Create an OLS model using R syntax
= smf.ols(formula="wage ~ educ",
mod =df_wage)
# Fit the model
= mod.fit()
# Show the results
= pd.read_html(res.summary().
reg_table 1].as_html(), header=0)[0]
display(Markdown(reg_table.=False))) to_markdown(index
Presentations in Quarto
Basic slide syntax
To create slides, you create sections with #
, titles with ##
, and bullets with -
Content types
- You can add several types of content
- code (use backticks)
- images
- diagrams
- tables
- etc.
## Basic slide syntax
To create slides, you create sections `#`, titles with `##`, and bullets
with `-`.
### Content types
- You can add several types of content
- code (use backticks)
- images
- diagrams
- tables
- etc.
Creating PowerPoint slides
To generate a presentation from a .qmd
file, add format: pptx
to the YAML front-matter.
Quarto will use the pandoc PowerPoint rules to render the content from the .qmd
into .pptx
The “pandoc rules” limit the flexibility to create PowerPoint presentations. Quarto has better presentation support for revealjs
and beamer
- PowerPoint can use a template with only these layouts:
- Title Slide
- Title and Content
- Section Header
- Two Content
- Comparison
- Content with Caption
- Blank
PowerPoint layout rules
The rules are available at:
- Title Slide: created from metadata fields like
- Section Header: created from the top-level headings (
) - Two Content: used when
source contains:::: {.columns}
and only text content. Previous slide is an example. - Comparison: same as “Two Content”, but content of columns is not text
- Content with Caption: used when slide has non-text content, but no columns
- Title and Content: whatever doesn’t fit the rules above.
PowerPoint templates
By adding a reference-doc
entry to your YAML, you can tell Quarto (and pandoc) to use a file as a template for the format of your presentation.
The “Slide Master” needs to contain layouts named as per the previous slide (e.g. “Comparison”).
This allows you a lot of flexibility in the design of your slide deck, even if it is for just the small number of layouts that were listed in the previous slide.
You can control fonts, add background images, page numbering, etc.
title: "Using Quarto for everything"
format: pptx
reference-doc: templates/template.pptx
author: Lucas A. Meyer
date: 2022-07-14
Best feature: generate content dynamically
Let’s say you’re presenting a project about population dynamics but you don’t know which world leaders are coming to the conference.
On the presentation day, you learn that Italy, China, Brazil, India, Japan and Nigeria are attending.
You can use Python or R to automatically generate slides.
Generating slides with Python
The next slides/sections were generated using the code below:
= pd.read_csv("data/dr.csv.gz", compression="gzip")
df_dr = pd.read_csv("data/pop_brackets.csv.gz", compression="gzip")
df_pop = [2000, 2025, 2050, 2075, 2100]
years = ["Italy", "China", "Brazil", "India", "Japan", "Nigeria"]
for name in regions:
f"## Age and Population Pyramids for {name}"))
display(Markdown(f'<div class="columns">'))
display(Markdown(f'<div class="column">'))
display(Markdown(== name])
plot_dependency_ratio(df_dr[df_dr.Location f'</div>'))
display(Markdown(f'<div class="column">'))
display(Markdown("Location"]==name], years)
display(Markdown(f'</div>')) display(Markdown(
Age and Population Pyramids for Italy
Age and Population Pyramids for China
Age and Population Pyramids for Brazil
Age and Population Pyramids for India
Age and Population Pyramids for Japan
Age and Population Pyramids for Nigeria
Generating a website
Changing one line creates a website
title: "Quarto with Python"
format: html
# revealjs:
# incremental: false
# theme: [simple, revealjs-customizations.scss]
# title-slide-attributes:
# data-background-image: images/data-viz-bg.jpg
# data-background-size: contain
# data-background-position: right
author: Lucas A. Meyer
date: 2022-07-14
Adding or changing the format to html
will create a website.
Screenshot of website
Scholarly articles
Writing scholarly articles
I reused some of the content of this presentation to create two scholarly-looking articles.
The purpose of the articles is just to show how easy it is to generate them with Quarto, they don’t contain original research.
Quarto adds cross-reference, citations and bibliography support to Markdown.
The relevant files are:
Scholarly article screenshots
Citations and Footnotes
Citations don’t work on presentations, but are easy to add to articles.
You need to reference a BibTex file in the YAML front-matter bibliography: references.bib
. Quarto supports any of the 8000+ Citation Style Languages and will generate the “References” section automatically.
You can cite by using [@citation-name]
in your text. Please check the article .qmd source and the PDF and DOCX outputs.
Generating footnotes is also easy. Using [^ref]
links to a footnote, and [^ref: content of the footnote]
generates its content1.
Cross references
The Quarto guide has a great section on cross-references. I cover only the main points.
To create a cross-referenceable figure, section or equation, you need to tag it with its corresponding prefix, respectively “fig”, “sec” and “eq”.
To tag it, use the following syntax: #prefix-name
For example, when declaring a figure, you can use:
Later, you can refer to it using:
See @fig-elephant for an illustration.
Books in Quarto
Books in Quarto
You can also write books with quarto. From the same collection of .qmd
files, Quarto can generate:
- ePub
- Online book
Two recent examples are:
- Hands-on Programming in R, by Garrett Grolemund (source)
- Python for Data Analysis, 3E, by Wes McKinney (source)
Hands-on Programming in R
This is a free book, and you can see the Quarto (source) that generated it.
Python for Data Analysis, 3E
This is another free book, and you can see the Quarto (source) that generated it.
Should I use Quarto?
Where Quarto excels (July 2022)
Articles: maybe
I think Quarto® is more helpful for a team that already uses Git with Python notebooks or LaTeX to write articles.
Microsoft Word collaboration through SharePoint and Teams is easier than Git and Quarto… but it’s not reproducible.
Python notebook: excellent
Quarto adds features to Python notebooks without detracting anything. You just need a few YAML lines.
Blog: excellent
Quarto allowed me to have a scriptable, Python-based blog. I wrote code to post new articles to Twitter and LinkedIn.
Presentations: maybe
Great for RevealJS. For PPT, render process -> long edit cycle. Useful for:
- a lot of dynamic content
- Reproducibility needs
- Collaborators used to Git/Beamer
Where to go next
Next Steps
- The Quarto website has great tutorials:
- If you have multiple input files (e.g., blog or book), you can create a project. This allows rendering multiple files that link to each other.
- This also allows combining Python and R natively for the same project
- Some writers can use R, some can use Python, their content can link to each other as long as they’re in different
- Projects can have pre-render and post-render steps in Python, R, Lua and shell script. I tend to use shell scripts that call other scripts.
Quarto is under active development, and quickly reaching v1.0. While creating this content, I had to do some workarounds.
- I created a script to quickly install the latest version
- Mermaid diagrams blank in PPTX. Bug quickly fixed.
- Mermaid diagrams blank in RevealJS. Workaround: refresh.
- HTML website and RevealJS from same source: images disappear
- Workaround: add
self-contained: true
to YAML front-matter
- Workaround: add
- Pandoc large monospaced font size in PowerPoint. Workaround: script.
- The decorations on this slide only appear on RevealJS, by design.
- Slide with article screenshots renders weird in HTML, no workaround.
Mixing R and Python
I also created an R source file (copied directly from the Quarto tutorial) and added it to this project. Quarto does not allow the same file to run Python and R, but allows two different files. The result of the R source is here.
You can use footnotes in presentations and websites, too. In PowerPoint, they appear in the appendix.↩︎